Monday, February 1, 2010

Successful Day!

Today was one of those action packed horsey days, but it was great.

Met the farrier at the barn at 9, than rode the trails with a friend which was a lot of fun. Even got some hill trotting in, which Milo hasnt done trotting yet on the trail. He did great.

Than I helped a friend of mine and her horse on doing groundwork, and ended really well. Shes got some homework to do before I see her again on Monday. But her horse was really trying for me and figuring out everything well.

Tried on my roping saddle on a friends' horse, and it fit well so hopefully she buys it. Than I met up with a gal whose saddle I bought, so its officially mine now! And it fits him so well, and is very comfortable to ride in. Ill post a picture soon. Its a Crates! :)

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