Sunday, November 3, 2013

Moose's Next Step

Over the weekend I was able to get Moose a little western headstall and snaffle bit. Although I'm not sure he thinks purple is his color, and I do eventually want to have him in an English bridle, as he will use that style for cart driving, this is an excellent piece to get him started with.

With the bridle on I longed him to get him used to it. He mouthed it quite a bit, but just before I tried to take some video he quietly held the bit nicely. Such a good boy!


Other then longing really well now, (today he cantered on the longe for a half circle without having to ask SO much) the other day I ground drove him down my driveway and back! It was exciting, but I realized I needed a little more time on giving in his face and more solid voice commands. No big deal, but more to work on before we get there and I might as well continue with longing work and introduce the snaffle. He's doing well with both the drive lines though touching him and flopping around. Sucha good boy! He really enriches our lives. :)


Mary said...

Go Moose! He looks so cute in his new set up! It sounds like he is going to be a willing partner.

SheMovedtoTexas said...

He looks adorable in his new tiny bridle :)

in2paints said...

He's so stinkin' cute!!