Monday, November 21, 2011

Milo's New Consignment Rug!

You all must know by now that I LOVE new horsey items, but moreso, I LOVE getting them for a real steal. Remember the Big D quilted saddle case I got from the consignment shop two weeks ago? Well, the same day I was there for that item, this sweet little rug caught my eye. I didnt get it at the time, but more I thought about that little rug the more I wished I had bought it. Only a day or so went by before I called the shop and paid for it over the phone. It wouldnt be for a while before I could make it out there again to pick it up, but at least I knew it was safely mine and tucked away in their closet.

So last week I was able to swing by the shop and pick up Milo's new rug.

Ain't it a cute lil thing??
So it's seen better days, but it fits Milo well and for only $25, was a real steal for an item I had previously been considering making myself.

It's made out of a weaved sort of cotton, not fleece and is double layered (red underneath) and somewhat heavy. The best part about it isnt how cute Milo looks in it, but it's multi-function ability. From cooler, to blanket liner on the cold days, to evening sheet at summer shows. It's a real find. The only thing I might add to it is an extender snap on the front, just to give Milo's shoulders a little more room. It has no D-rings for leg straps either, but I might be able to get away with using it without anyways. If not, those are a 35 cent add-on I can afford.

I brushed some of the shavings and hair from it. Ain't it a cute little thing on a cute little pony? :)


Sand. said...

Totally love it! I think renewing old horse clothing is the best. You should add a little row of red hearts or something along the patchwork to jazz it up! : )

in2paints said...

You always find the best deals! I think Milo looks quite handsome in blue. :)