Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why My Horse Needs to be Home Already

We got our first snow of the season here in WA. While it (so far) is only a dusting - just enough to cover the grass and trees - it still threatens access to work (and horse!) tomorrow. I live 35 minutes away from work and 40 minutes away from Milo, in an area that get some of the worst snow in the county. There are also two huge (and when I say huge I mean it) hills that are the only access from our town, Seabeck, to anywhere else in Kitsap County. So no matter which way you try to get out of Seabeck, you are faced with the dilhema of which potential ice hill you want to tackle - long hill, or shorter, steeper, windier hill. While I have a 4x4 F150 to drive, the hills still scare me a bit. So needless to say, when it snows I am not all too pleased.

I wouldnt mind staying at home from work - save for the part of course of losing money by staying home. I also wouldnt mind riding in the snow, that is fun. But not so much when you have to juggle the safety of getting to horse and back home. But if Milo were home, I wouldnt have to worry! Just saddle up and hit the trails.

So thats my complaint for today lol. I wish Milo were home so that I wouldnt be so concerned about him 40 minutes away right now in his pasture. I think they turned on the water heaters but Im not positive. I just hope he has access to thawed water. But I did see him on Friday and threw his heavyweight blanket on him, so at least I know hes cozy warm (and he hasnt been clipped yet either). Hopefully tomorrow will be clear enough I can leave for work in the morning, and what would be even better is that it is clear enough to see (fingers crossed for riding too) Milo after work and still make it home safely.
And P.S. Ive been absent this week due to being sick, so was only able to see Milo twice this week. But he was a good boy and we enjoyed two great bareback rides!! :)

1 comment:

in2paints said...

40 minutes is a long drive in good weather. I have about a 20 minute drive now and it feels long, especially if I just want to go check on things. Hopefully you can get him moved home soon so you can keep an eye on him all the time!

And I'm glad you're feeling better!