Monday, July 26, 2010

Point No Point

Yesterday afternoon some great friends of mine and their horses, all hauled out to Point No Point beach for a ride with our horses. Milo had never been before, so I wasnt quite sure what was in store.

I rode in our bareback pad, seeing as I didnt want to get my new saddle ruined by the salt water! Milo was great walking out there (it was a long road to the beach), but it was expected-heck this horse has done three parades and two rodeos!

Once we got to the beach, we were all a little perplexed about how to cross all the driftwood before getting into the sand. But after carefuly stepping through it all, we made it on the beach. Milos eyes got wide as he saw the vastness of the ocean. We had to maneuver around all the people on the beach, but finally got to an area with no one else. For a moment, all the horses stood still sniffing the water and not wanting to get in. Finally, Serenity and Neil got in, than Nick and Gus, followed by the youngest of them all, Missy with Heather on board. Milo decided that if they could he too, and he literally leaped into the water. Than quickly got scared and ran right out. He did that one more time, and than couldnt be convinced back in for about forty minutes, spooking as the waves lapped up onto the shore in front of his hooves.

Finally, Heather on Missy were able to coax Milo in with his rein, following Missy. He finally got back into the water and stood there for a while. He was trembling a little, but finally relaxed. He started trotting in the water and beginning to enjoy himself.

Twice more he was coaxed in with Missy and Heather. He even started venturing out into the water deeper and even started swimming! He started lapping at the water and playing in it a bit. By the end of it, we were completely soaked. It definetly was a lot of fun.
About three hours after being there, we all decided the horses and ourselves were tired and we should head back.

Sadly, we did not get any photos :( no photo documentation of Milo's first time at the beach. We didnt want to carry a camera on us and get it ruined by the water, so I gave mine to Wes to carry out there, but he and Brian didnt even walk out to the beach. So that was really dissappointing. Hopefully next time I can get a photo...

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