Monday, February 15, 2010

Trail Ride

A friend of mine and I went for a trail ride today, to celebrate her first official day of horse ownership for her horse Major (shes been leasing to own and made the final payment today). So while her name isnt on the papers yet, at least the payments on him are over!

So it was a great trail ride, Milo did great as did Major, and they make a pretty good trail team together. It was the first day in a while that it wasnt a torrential downpour, so while the weather was nice, there was a lot of mud, and puddles. Which made for some good puddle training! By about mid way through the ride Milo was a pro. What it looks like from Milo's back.

Pretty amazing huh? There were some people walking their dogs behind us so he had to look of course. Than we took a different trail with no dogs. This photo makes him look pretty uphill but hes not, my friend just held the camera crooked haha.

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