Monday, December 21, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Yes, it is raining here in Washington, shocker!!

But I did manage to get myself to the barn today for a ride. Milo was great; after the temper tantrum thrown during groundwork, but he got over himself and loped nice circles both directions and stopped giving me an evil look.

So on I went, and we had a great ride. Good jogging, good backing, good walking, VERY good leg yields and sidepasses, even circles, great loping, even did two "jumps" over the ground cavaletties! Got ready to lope the other way, and a friend of mine's 2 year old baby came in for a longe. Milo just simply couldnt get enough of her. So the last of the ride consisted of keeping his focus and trying to find an attentive moment to stop.

But overall, he was a good boy. And the barn owners gave me a nice christmas present, a book called "Beyond the Homestretch" by Lynn Reardon. I had heard about it through Fugly's blog, and have been trying to get the book (our local Barnes and Noble doesnt have it), but viola! I got it for christmas! Thank you Shannon and Kevin! How did you know? Milo got some treats in his stocking too from some other boarders, but he has to wait until christmas to get them! I know, not fair right? When Mom opened her gift there in the barn aisleway right in front of him! He did get a cookie though so the world did not come to an end.

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