Thursday, October 15, 2009


Good ride on Milo today. Especially since there were so many distractions going on the the arena; us plus two other riders (one being a lesson), the tractor going by a bunch to the manure pile, and just plain noise happening. But Milo did well - I think he prefers being ridden during the day rather than at night with all the scary shadows, but he will have to get over it because Mom can't make it out during most days. Milo was very happy today though cause he got a nice long turnout while I cleaned pastures and cleaned water buckets.

Tomorrow Wes and I are leaving to Twisp for four days. Wes is going out hunting for Mule Deer. So I will miss Milo for sure, but I asked a good friend of mine to keep her eye on him while Im gone and give him some turnouts when she is there. =] I'll talk to you all in a couple of days (and hopefully with some cool pics of Wes' deer!).

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