Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Drat those Run in Patterns!

I've still been working on maintaining my drive from the rear and soft feel in my hands and body, my rides with Milo have been good.

Right now I am waiting on my farrier for Friday, Milo is about 2 weeks overdue and one of his hind shoes is slipping crooked, so I havent been riding. Bad Mom award for that one, but I couldnt get the farrier out until I was paid. :(

In the meantime, I am wrapping my head around the two patterns I need to execute next weekend at the Finals ins - of course! Things to work on...once Milo has new feet.
Open class and Non Pro Championship...I think I will go into Open only and use as a schooling round before the Non Pro class.

Non Pro pattern and Open Championship Pattern

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