Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Reinforcer From Before

I received my long awaited book Connect with your Horse from the Ground Up by Peggy Cummings on Saturday. I didnt dive right into it, waiting for myself to be a little more receptive to the knowledge inside. But I did finally start reading last night. There are some great concepts and terminology addressed in the beginning of the book, but the few that really stood out to me where equal and opposing pressure, and the concept of meet and melt. Both of these ideas and concepts coincide with what my Farrier was interpreting to me on Friday, an idea I represented in yesterday's post.

I wont go into great detail so you can find it for yourself in the book, but this is a fantastic theory about how we manage our own bodies and how the horses respond. Truely fasinating. I look forward to progressing throughout the book.

Heres a sweet photo of Milo from Friday though, to get you through the day:

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