Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cold Feet

I eagerly drove my red pickup to the barn, ready to see what kind of shape my horse was when I arrived. I hadnt seen him since Saturday where I soaked his hoof in epsom salts. His hoof was still warm then, and his heel bulb was soft and tender. I feared that day that I would be expecting a secondary blow out site for the abscess. But with the back of his fetlock getting sore from the constant rubber boot being put on, I didnt wrap his hoof up after the soak, and worried if that was a bad plan.

I arrived Monday evening and scanned the pasture from the highway in my truck. I saw Milo standing on all four legs evenly. As I pulled down the driveway, Milo walked up to the gate, me appeared to be walking soundly, but I wasnt going to get my hopes up just yet. I haltered him up (or more, Milo haltered himself, jamming his nose into the loop of the noseband) and led him out of the mud. I ran my hand down his dirty mud sticky leg and didnt detect any heat. But again, I didnt want to get my hopes up.

Leading him to the barn, I listened to his footfalls, they were an even cadenced 1 2 3 4. I turned around to face him and trotted him up the driveway, watching his footfalls at the jog. He evenly stepped into a trot and looked and sounded sound still.

I attached him into the cross ties and ran a brush across his legs and hoof. Then ran my hands down them again. His hoof felt cold. I compared to the other side, and it felt the same. I did this about six more times, not sure I was entirely convinced that I felt no heat. Pleased, I groomed the dried mud off of the parts the blanket doesnt cover, and rubbed Milo's shedding white face. I ran my hands on his hooves again, and they still felt cold so I grabbed my longe stick and lead Milo off to the round pen.

Fortunetly, the round pen was workable, not a puddle in sight. I longed Milo for about twenty minutes, eagle eyeing his pace and the left hind. All seemed sound as I made him walk, trot, lope, and change directions. I bent down to feel the hooves again, and all was still cold. Milo licked and chewed, he was happy to feel better and get a little bit of work in again. I blanketed him back up and lead him back down to his pasture. Rubbing his big white face again, I put him away. Happy.

Edit: On another note, be sure to check out the NRCHA World Show, live on Galloping Video, link here.


Rising Rainbow said...

That's very cool! Sometimes an abscess is just an abscess with no residual gunk.

Anonymous said...

Very good news, whatever it was! And you have an award over at my blog - no obligation to pass it on unless you want to.

in2paints said...

Yay! I'm glad whatever it was is gone and Milo feels like himself again!