He started out eating dirt... (?)
Than proceeded to roll...

And once he thought he was dirty enough (Mom sure did!!) than he ran around snorting...

And bucking...

And running some more...

And finally when he ran his little heart out, he stood for a moment, snorted and blew at the air, than went back to eating.

After I was finished cleaning, I put him back into his stall so he could enjoy some lunch before we rode. I just sold my english saddle yesterday, so I went through my tack box(es) and inventoried some other english items to sell.
A gal from the barn arrived, and we decided to go for a trail ride, as it wasnt raining. Milo has been on trails before, but still could use some more work on them. So we left with her and her horse Zulu. They were a great team together! What puddle or obstacle one didnt want to go over, the other lead the way. Milo was a great trooper though, and enjoyed being in the front mostly; if he followed behind Zulu he would get anxious. He went through puddles, and over logs, and even had a stick stuck in his tail he dragged along with us most of the way (Mom promptly got it out and detangled and groomed his tail up nicely once he got back).
So overall Milo did great today. It was a fun day too.
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